New Jersey Launches Emergency Rescue Mortgage Assistance Program (ERMA) - 02/2022
Emergency Rescue Mortgage Assistance Program (ERMA) will provide assistance for New Jersey homeowners experiencing a financial hardship due to COVID-19 that created a risk of mortgage delinquency, mortgage default, foreclosure, or a property tax lien.
The ERMA program will begin accepting online applications on Tuesday February 8, 2022, at 9:00 AM ET.
Please see the links below for the Poster with the eligibility criteria and an Online Application.
 - HMFA.pdf.t.png)
Emergency Rescue Mortgage Assistance Program (ERMA) - HMFA

Emergency Rescue Mortgage Assistance Program (ERMA) - Online Application
Financial assistance for eligible homeowners who have experienced a significant decrease of income or increase of expenses due to COVID-19 and have been unable to remain current with their mortgage payments.