Successful Free Homebuyer Program Sponsored by LRRC and STEPS

Being a first-time homebuyer can be a confusing, complex experience. What are the best mortgage programs and options? Would you even qualify for a loan?

More than 90 Ocean County first-home buyers recently attended a free evening program sponsored by The LRRC (Lakewood Resource and Referral Center) and STEPS (Solution to End Poverty Soon) at the Public Works Complex, Lakewood, N.J., to gain a better understanding of what mortgage options are available and how to qualify for them.

Lenders and representatives from such local institutions as TD Bank, Investors Savings Bank, Santander, Fulton, and FM Home Loans discussed many topics related to the home-buying process, with a special emphasis on lower interest rates and down payment requirements with no MI (Mortgage Insurance).

Attendees had the opportunity to discuss and review mortgage products with each lender. Housing counselors from LRRC and STEPS were also available to answer questions.

Mayer Hoberman, executive director of social services at the LRRC said, “The LRRC and STEPS sponsored this program because we recognize that first-time and all homebuyers need the understanding and skills to make appropriate and educated decisions during the home buying process.”

LRRC offers homeownership seminars twice a month and counseling on a regular basis that is required by many lenders to enable clients to take advantage of first-time homebuyer mortgage products.