Retirement Options Event on November 1st, 2017
On Wednesday evening close to 50 people gathered in the CHEMED Education Room for an informational seminar entitled, “Know Your Retirement Options.”
With the growing population of seniors in Ocean County, the LRRC/CHEMED coordinated this event to provide information and resources about topics that are important to the elderly population, their children, and those that are contemplating retirement options. Several attendees contemplating moving from NY to Lakewood drove in for the event. Dr. Elchonon Glantz, Geriatric Doctor at CHEMED Health, introduced and moderated the evening’s presentations. He also discussed recommended immunizations for seniors, an especially important topic during this time of the year. The first presenter, Mrs. Mindy Salzberg of Medicaid Solutions, covered the difference between Medicare and Medicaid and offered practical guidance to navigate the intricacies involved in submitting an ABD application. Mr. Dovid Miller of Ambassador Day Care then discussed the benefits of an Adult Day Care program. Medicare Insurance Specialist Mr. Shmuel Zaidman delved into the various components of Medicare as well as when and how to apply, and Mr. Samuel Lowy, a Retirement Planning Expert, rounded off the evening with a discussion of extended healthcare coverage options as well as other ways of preparing for retirement. The evening ended with a lively question and answer session where attendees directed their personal questions to the appropriate presenter. Handouts with more information regarding recommended immunizations, as well as informational materials and giveaways from each presenter were distributed.
Despite the technical nature of the materials being covered, the audience listened attentively throughout each presentation. Although covering all aspects of these complicated topics is impossible, the audience left with a firmer grasp of the options and resources available to the local elderly population.