Look out for a new Debit Card from the Department of Labor - 05/2022
The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (NJDOL) is changing its process for distributing Unemployment Insurance, Temporary Disability Insurance, and Family Leave Insurance benefits payments. You will receive a new card in the mail sometime between May 11 and May 18. It will come in a plain envelope with an Omaha, NE return address and will look like this:
It is not junk mail – do not throw it away!
After May 18, your Bank of America debit card will no longer receive new benefit payments. However, you may continue to use your Bank of America debit card as usual to access existing funds until August 26. For an additional month, until September 26, you will be able to transfer any remaining funds to an existing checking or savings account. If funds remain in your account after September 26, you will need to contact Bank of America to obtain the remaining balance by paper check.