Sandy Homebuyer Program Counselors Available at LRRC, Lakewood
The Lakewood Resource and Referral Center (LRRC), is making its offices available to the Faith Fellowship CDC (Community Development Corporation), Sayreville, to meet with low-income renters who were living in any one of the nine New Jersey counties* affected by Sandy and might qualify for one of the 500 forgivable loans, up to $50,000, to purchase their first home through the NJHMFA (New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency) Sandy Homebuyer Program.
Faith Fellowship counselors plan to meet with clients, by appointment only, twice a week though October. To arrange a counseling appointment at the LRRC with Faith Fellowship counselors, call 732-727-9500. No walk-ins will be accepted.
C. Sarah Rothenberg, the director of the LRRC, said, “As part of our mission to enhance the lives of Lakewood township and Ocean County residents, we are pleased to partner with Rev. Clarence Bulluck and the Faith Fellowship CDC counselors who are willing to travel to Lakewood rather than have local applicants travel all the way to Sayreville.”
Applicants for the Sandy Homebuyer Program must first meet the NJHMFA income eligibility guidelines, which Faith Fellowship counselors will determine. After completing an application and obtaining a mortgage prequalification from one of the NJHMFA approved lenders, applicants will meet with a housing counselor from Faith Fellowship who will review all documents for NJHMFA.
Once the documents have been submitted, applicants should expect to be notified by NJHMFA within 30 days, stating if they will receive a grant and the amount that has been awarded.
*Atlantic, Bergen, Cape May, Essex, Hudson, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean, and Union