Homebuyer Event on October 30th, 2017

The Lakewood Resource and Referral Center (LRRC)’s Home Buyer Open House/Education Event on Monday night, hosted in partnership with Solutions to End Poverty Soon (STEPS) at the CHEMED building on Madison Avenue, was a great success.

The free semi-annual event had a turnout of over 125 attendees who came to discuss their mortgage options and hear presentations on important topics related to the home-buying process.

Seven vendors were in attendance, and each had representatives available to discuss all aspects of the mortgage process with Open House participants. Additionally, attendees were able to get preliminary prequalification for mortgages and compare the different loan options offered by the various lending institutions present.

In addition to the Open House component, the LRRC/STEPS event also featured a Fast-Track Education element consisting of a series of three 10-minute presentations delivered on the benefits of First-Time Home Buyer mortgages, credit and money management, mortgage calculations and ratios, and the application process. The half-hour-long series of presentations was held twice, once from 6:30-7:00 and again from 7:15-7:45.

Attendees came away from the event with a vastly improved understanding of their own situations and of the home-buying process in general. The atmosphere was lively and positive, with bank representatives and attendees engaged in thoughtful conversation throughout the evening. Several attendees expressed that the event was very helpful and that the presentations were engaging and to-the-point. Each attendee received a free copy of the LRRC’s Home Buyer Handbook Edition II, which summarizes the entire home-buying process and contains important advice for home buyers, among other helpful features. The Home Buyer’s Handbook also lists a comprehensive directory of product and service providers whose services home buyers and homeowners are likely to need.

With the LRRC's assistance, hundreds of families have attained the dream of homeownership. The LRRC provides homeownership education classes, as well as one-on-one counseling sessions. It partners with lenders that offer first-time home buyer programs to assist clients with obtaining the lowest interest rates, lower down payments with no mortgage insurance, and other benefits for which they may be eligible. To schedule an appointment to attend a homeownership education class or to speak with a housing counselor, contact the LRRC at 732-942-9292.

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