Unemployment Insurance Application Testing at the LRRC - 4/3/2023 and 4/4/23
The Division of Unemployment Insurance is making changes to the design of the application, certification, and claim status tools. They are working hard to make the process and design as easy and user-friendly as possible.
To ensure the new design is effective, the Division will be conducting a test of the new application design at the LRRC on Monday, April 3, and Tuesday, April 4. We are seeking individuals who have been laid off due to no fault of their own to submit the Unemployment Insurance application at the LRRC on either of those dates.
If you were laid off due to no fault of your own and would like to file for Unemployment Insurance at the LRRC on April 3 or April 4, please contact the LRRC by e-mail at questions@lrrcenter.org or call 732-942-9292 ext. 106.
It is important to note that if you were laid off due to no fault of your own, you must file an Unemployment Insurance claim immediately. Your benefits will start retroactively from the Monday of the week in which you file, and you cannot receive benefits for any period prior to filing.
For more information about Unemployment Insurance, please visit their website at https://nj.gov/labor/myunemployment/